########## The vision ########## The overall vision of the data analysis tools effort is the following: - To ensure that astronomers are equipped with software tools to analyze and interpret JWST data efficiently right from the start of the mission. - To reduce the necessity for astronomers to write data-analysis software. - To make it easier to do so when necessary. - To provide a rich set of modular software tools upn which to build - To make it easy to share & re-use code. - To improve repeatability of scientific results. The expected users of these tools are HST and JWST observers, and astronomers working on similar kinds of data from other facilities. While there is some overlap with tools developed for X-ray and radio astronomy, the primary focus is on UV, Optical and IR observations. The main focus is on "post-pipeline" analysis of already-calibrated data, but the essential building blocks of most standard calibration pipelines are included. ################## Guiding principles ################## The following are guiding principles for developing this suite of software tools. In this section, we describe both principle, the rationale for it, and the specific choice that we have made (or are considering) to respond to that guiding principle. Briefly, the guiding principles are: #. Open source software #. Easy to install #. Well documented #. Easy to extend #. Multiple interfaces #. Built on stable, widely adopted languages #. Built on stable, widely adopted code libraries #. Leverage existing codes and algorithms. These principles are by and large what distinguish code intended to serve a broad community from code written by most individual astronomers for their own day-to-day research. We shall consider each principle in turn. Open Source Software -------------------- To ensure the repeatibility of modern scientific results, it is important that the main computational code (not just the description of the algorithms) be available to researchers. Repeatability should not mean re-investing hundreds of man-years of effort to reproduce a chain of analysis, when the code could be inspected and tested by independent researchers. Sometimes the error in a scientific finding is not the result of a deep error of scientific judgment, but rather a simple typo in computer code. *The guiding principle for the Data Analysis Tools is that all of the source code for the core numerical computations should be open source.* It is less important that all of the code for GUI interfaces, image displays, and interprocess communication be open source. Where practical, however, we will adopt open-source solutions in preference to closed-source solutions. The current plan is to closely link the development of the tools described here to the open-source project `astropy `_. The concept is that of the tools will become a part of the astropy core distribution, and work seamlessly with code contributed to astropy from the rest of the community. Licensing ^^^^^^^^^ The term *open source* can mean different things to different people. In the context of this roadmap, it means the following: - Access to the source code; - The right to make copies and distribute those copies without unreasonable restrictions; - The right to make changes and distribute those changes without unreasonable restrictions. The commonly agreed-upon *reasonable restriction* is that the source code and any binary redistribution must retain the copyright notice and the original liability disclaimer. There are a variety of `open-source software licenses `_, with various pros and cons. The current plan is to adopt the `3-clause BSD-style license `_ used for astropy. This license is compatible with most `GPL-style licenses `_. Easy to install --------------- With many astronomers having to do their own system administration, it is important to make the software easy to install on the most commonly used computing platforms. This suggests the following high-level requirements: #. A personal installation should be possible without system-administrator privileges #. A multi-user shared installation should be possible with system-administrator privileges #. The installation package should include all of the major library dependencies a. The installation should not break or overwrite previously-installed versions of these libraries #. The software should have the ability to check if is up to date It is worth commenting that ease of installation does not preclude setting up virtual machines, either on the user's own platform or in the cloud. Indeed, if the installation procedure fulfills the goals above, setting up a virtual machine would simply layer some steps on top to provide all of the OS and programming-language infrastructure. While virtual machines are a very interesting way of making computing available to the community, we do not envision that as our primary method for providing access to the software. Well documented --------------- Excellent documentation is essential if the code is to fulfill the vision of being easy to use, share, and extend. The following are specific forms of documentation: #. User guides #. Cookbooks and tutorials #. Help command or help buttons #. Coding reference guide or API documentation #. Comments in the source code In general, documentation should be available in the browser either on the web or by pointing the browser to the local documentation repository, and the same documentation should be available in pdf. There have been significant advances in the past 5 years in the ease of generating user and API documentation and presenting it in multiple formats. Our current plan is to use the `Sphinx `_ documentation generator to accomplish this. The use of docstrings in python makes providing help easy, and the same text is easily incorporated into the user guide. This is especially helpful for the Application Programming Interface (API) documentation. User guides provide a brief summary of each tool, describing the computational algorithm and how to use it. Tutorials and cookbooks provide worked examples, often chaining together different tasks with discussion of the rationale behind each step. Tutorials can be effective in the form of `videos `_ or `ipython notebooks `_. Easy to extend -------------- A typical workflow for an astronomer often starts with running a sequence of tasks one-by-one on a specific data set, tuning the adjustable parameters of each task to perfect the data processing. Once that is accomplished, the astronomer will often want to chain these tasks together, possibly with some extra code to set some of the parameters or follow some branch based on some property of the specific data. It is extremely important that the tools be developed in a way to facilitate this kind of work flow. This implies the following goals for the data-analysis tools: #. They should be modular #. They should provide consistent APIs #. They should provide easy-to-use libraries Being modular is somewhat hard to achieve. If the tasks are too primitive, then there are too many steps needed to chain them together. If they are too complex, then one ends up with a massive user guide to describe all of the adjustable parameters or various kinds of I/O. An example of non-modular code (from the perspective of most users) is the popular faint-galaxy photometry package `SExtractor `_, which (for example) requires the user to re-run the source detection every time one changes any input parameter even if the change has nothing to do with source detection step. The user guide is excellent, and there is even an excellent `SExtractor for dummies `_ guide. But most astronomers won't get in and modify the code itself because it is too intimidating. The C code itself is reasonably modular, but the individual steps have not been exposed to be tweaked and chained together in different ways. A more modular approach is exemplified by the relatively new `scikit-image `_, which provides a set of lower-level image-segmentation and image-morphology tasks and a way to link then together in a pipeline. The guiding principle for the JWST data analysis tools is to build the complex tasks in a transparent, well-documented way around the more primitive modules, and make it easy for astronomers to modify a module or chain the modules together in a different way. Providing consistent APIs means that modules that do similar things should have a similar calling sequence. This is also somewhat hard to achieve. Generally speaking it means adopting some common naming conventions for parameters, and common method naming within classes that have similar purposes. If the code is modular and has consistent APIs, then providing easy-to-use libraries means packaging the different modules in a sensible way and providing good documentation. This is also somewhat of a challenge to achieve, especially if the libraries incorporate community-generated code. Multiple interfaces ------------------- In developing the data analysis tools, a guiding principle is that the basic numerical algorithms should be available through multiple interfaces: #. Via the command line #. Via a scripting interface And that the scripting interface should support calling the same routines from: #. Various GUI interfaces #. Client-server interfaces Most astronomers are comfortable working with tasks at the command-line level (even if that command line is within an environment like IRAF or IDL). Most astronomers are also accustomed to chaining tasks together in a scripting language. The software will use python as the scripting language. As the number of parameters grows or the level of interactivity grows, it is important to have graphical user interfaces (GUIs). These usually interact with other processes via events, and event-handlers which trigger calls to a specific subroutine. A goal for the JWST data analysis tools is to segregate the numerical computations from the GUI so that multiple GUIs can access the same code, and so that the same code that is feeding the GUIs can be used by astronomers in their scripts. (This was not the case, for example, with the Java-based HST Exposure Time Calculators.) The challenge to enabling multiple GUIs is to develop a well-documented GUI abstraction layer. It is becoming increasingly common for astronomers or astronomical institutions to provide web services that involve some computation. A goal is to make it easy to use the data analysis tools to build such services on the *server side*. This should be straightforward. It is *not* a goal make the numerical-computation portion of the software compatible with client-side computing in the browser. Most of the computations are too complex for this to be practical, and the numerical libraries to support this are generally lacking. However, the concept of developing GUIs within the browser is very appealing. Stable, widely adopted languages -------------------------------- There is a strong tension between the desire for a stable computing platforming and the desire for a platform that incorporates the latest cutting-edge computational developments. This roadmap aims for a happy medium by choosing languages that are widely used in science -- not just astronomy -- and are also widely used outside of the sciences. #. C #. Python #. Javascript (for browser interfaces but not for heavy numerical computation) All three languages are in the top 10 of the `TIOBE index `_ of programming language popularity and are considered mainstream. All three are very popular outside of science based on metrics such as the number `job advertisements `_ or `searches for language tutorials `_, popularity on `GITHub and Stack Overflow `_, or popularity in a `variety of other metrics `_. This is not to say these languages are better or worse than others, simply that they are safe choices and are likely to have a large developer community for at least the next decade. In contrast, the scripting languages used by R, IRAF, IDL, and MATLAB are unique to those environments, making for a smaller communities of software developers, less open-source code, and less community-based online support. The general strategy will be to code as much as possible in Python, moving to C when it offers significant performances advantages, and using Javascript only for browser interfaces. Stable, widely adopted libraries -------------------------------- The numerical and scientific libraries available for Python and C are substantial. For python, the code will leverage the many developer-years invested in the following packages: #. numpy -- The standard python array-manipulation package #. scipy -- Scientific, numerical and statistical libraries #. matplotlib -- 2-D (and some 3D) graphics #. astropy -- Astronomy-oriented tasks #. ipython and ipython notebook -- user interfaces #. ConfigObj -- configuration file handling For C, we plan to adopt the following libraries: #. CFITSIO? #. What else? There are a variety of other libraries under development, which may or may not be useful for the Astronomy Tools development. These will be discussed under Technologies and Infrastructure. We expect that many if not most of the Data Analysis tools developed in this roadmap will be part of astropy. Leverage existing codes & algorithms ------------------------------------ Where practical, we will re-use existing code or algorithms. For IDL and IRAF, this generally means trying to draw from the algorithms rather than the code. For python code, the general strategy will be to try to get it incorporated into astropy and up to the astropy standards for configuration control and documentation. ######################### Why do we need new tools? ######################### There are a variety of reasons why a development effort is needed for data analysis tools for JWST. First and foremost, it is important to reduce the amount of time between receipt of the data and achieving the scientific result. Shortening this cycle is incredibly important because of JWST's limited lifetime. Make science more efficient --------------------------- Most astronomers spend large amounts of time writing computer code (usually scripts) to manipulate, view, and analyze data. A set of modern, well-documented tools can reduce this coding burden and speed up the process of converting data into scientific knowledge. If a piece of code is re-used by more than one astronomer, there is savings of a factor of two in development cost per astronomer-hour, minus the time spent training the second astronomer in how to use the code. Since the funding for astronomers and science-software development come from the same source, this is an instant savings, and basically translates to more science per dollar. The data-analysis tools described here will be useful to hundreds of astronomers, so even counting time spent writing documentation and training people in the use, the investment will be worthwhile -- provided that the tools are actually tools that astronomers want to use (hence the importance of community engagement in their development). There also is a huge advantage to be gained from providing tools that work well with a modern scripting language. This reduces the time time wasted by astronomers when performing repetitive tasks with tools that don't allow easy automation. There are specific tools that are either non-existent in the community, or nowhere near at the state of maturity needed for JWST -- e.g. tools for support of 3D spectroscopy, tools for dealing with JWST error arrays and WCS information, tools for simulating JWST data, and tools for simultaneously using data from HST, JWST, ALMA, and other facilities in a seamless and statistically rigorous fashion. Remove scientist dependency on IRAF ---------------------------------- It is widely recognized that continuing to develop software based on core IRAF libraries, which are largely written in SPP and CL, two languages that have no community outside of IRAF (and barebones support within the community), would be inefficient and costly in the long run. We need a graceful way to retire CL, SPP, and dependencies on core IRAF. (The extensive set of high-level analysis tools written in SPP, together with the relatively large number of astronomers that still use the CL for IRAF scripting make this a challenge.) In a sense, the astronomical community is encumbered with a technical debt in IRAF. Forcing the JWST scientific community to rely on that platform for day-to-day their data analysis and visualization coding makes no long-term economic sense. Indeed, IRAF core development has been starved of resources over the past few years, making it even more obsolete relative to other options. Paying down the debt requires investment (in real dollars, or FTE), but will pay off in the long run in greater science efficiency. STScI developed PyRAF as a step in this evolution. Pyraf brought more powerful scripting, error handling, and array-manipulation capabilities, better interoperability with other languages, and access to a growing body of open-source scientific libraries. Partly as a result of this, a growing fraction of astronomers entering the field are using the python language as a central part of their software toolbox. For that generation, the transition away from IRAF entirely should be relatively painless once some of the core functionality is replaced. Modern programming language --------------------------- Programming languages continue to evolve. Modern languages have evolved to keep up with changes in computer architectures and changes in coding paradigms. Choosing popular languages like C and Python helps ensure that the language will keep up with the changes in computer hardware. For IRAF, the burden of making those underlying changes falls entirely on the astronomical community, for IDL or MATLAB it largely falls on a single corporation with its own strategic goals, creating a significant risk if the corporation changes its focus or fails to survive. Python in particular offers the following modern features, which make it particularly attractive for writing most of the code: - It is a high-level, interpreted language - It has a clean, readable syntax - It is very portable - It supports both object-oriented programming, and procedure-oriented programming - It supports 64-bit architectures and threading multiple CPUs - It has extensive error handling capabilities - It is free and open source - It can be extended with other languages (e.g. C) - It has an enormous open-source development community supporting the base language and libraries (both general and scientific). The main practical advantage relative to the IRAF CL is that it is possible to do efficient array arithmetic like in IDL and MATLAB, and there are extensive libraries to support scientific computations. Another significant advantage is Python's error trapping, which makes debugging code much easier than for the CL. The advantages relative to IDL, Matlab, and R include the language syntax, its popularity, and the fact that it is free. Furthermore, those environments are particularly geared toward scientific and statistical analysis and can be cumbersome when dealing with many other common operations that often confront astronomers in their work (e.g. text processing, web development, gui development, etc.). In terms of speed for most numerical computations Python+numpy is comparable to IDL and Matlab -- faster for some operations, slower for others. Python takes about 1/6 the number of lines of code as C, which at least anecdotally translates into a significant decrease in the amount of time it takes an experience programmer to write their program. Since coding is Python is relatively quick, one can develop the functionality in Python first and address any performance bottlenecks on the second iteration. The downside of adopting a state-of-the-art language, of course, is that it is evolving. There is an ongoing cost for code maintenance to handle compatibility problems as the languages evolve. Make better use of community code --------------------------------- The overall cost of data analysis tool development could be reduced if there were more sharing and less duplication of effort. Therefore an important part of building a new analysis-tool infrastructure is to encourage such code sharing. This has become more common and easier now with the rise in popularity of tools like `github `_ for open-source development. The concept in this roadmap is to build most of the tools into `astropy .`_ The Astropy Project is a community effort to develop a single core package for Astronomy in Python and foster interoperability between Python astronomy packages. Astropy includes `afffilated packages `_ that are not part of the core source code but can be found from the astropy website. Astropy does not depend on these packages, but the packages may depend on astropy. These must be downloaded and installed separately from astropy itself. Strategies that can help encourage sharing of community code include providing: - Rubust, well-documented libraries in upon which to build. - Easy-to-follow standards for source-code style and documentation. - Templates for source code. - Clear instructions on how to package the code so that it can be installed on multiple platforms, along with expert assistance when necessary or feasible. - An active developers' forum. Modern algorithms where relevant -------------------------------- There has been considerable evolution over the past few decades in the techniques and algorithms used to analyze data, not only in astronomy but also in other fields. This includes advances in statistical techniques such as resampling and Monte-Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC), different ways to approach the challenges of model fitting or optimization (e.g. genetic algorithms), and different ways to compress or describe data via basis functions (e.g. wavelets, shapelets, Karhunen-Loeve decompositions, etc.). Implementations of many of these exist already in the python/C ecosystem, so including them in the astronomer's toolbox in many cases may just be an issue of documentation and packaging. Leverage advances in computer hardware -------------------------------------- Computer hardware has evolved significantly since IRAF was developed. A significant fraction of the IRAF infrastructure, for example, deals with operating-system abstraction (allowing inter-operability with VAX/VMS and Unix) with network abstraction, and with magnetic tape I/O. In the meantime, standard desktop and laptop computer hardware now offers featuers such as full 64-bit addressing, multiple cores, hardware graphics acceleration and computation in graphics processing units (GPUs). A lot of infrastructure for using these hardware advances already exists for Python and C, although some of it is evolving rapidly (e.g. for GPUs). Section *** discusses this infrastructure in more detail, with an indication of which current libraries and packages are under consideration.